I hope they put a smile on your face. All art is 8.5x11" ballpoint pen on cardstock painted in photoshop.
For ORIGINAL line art visit my Shop.
"Rock Lobster"
"Alien Abduction"
"The G.O.A.T"
"Copy Cat"
"Hell in a Handbasket"
"Collie Flower"
"Mr. T pot"
"Hip Hop"
"Milk Maid"
"Toad Stool"
For tees, stickers and more go to my Redbubble.
Now available in paperback!
"Guess the Pun!" Over 150 full color illustrated puns, idioms, and portmanteaus! A punny way to work your brain and have a laugh. Answers in the back. Available on Amazon as paperback $25.00 or Kindle $3.99."Rock Lobster"
"Alien Abduction"
"The G.O.A.T"
"Copy Cat"
"Hell in a Handbasket"
"Collie Flower"
"Mr. T pot"
"Hip Hop"
"Milk Maid"
"Toad Stool"
"Whale Oil"
"Bear Market"
"Cookie Dough"
"Interneck Connection"
"Eye Phone"
"Rock E.T."
"Fowl Language"
"Monkey Business"
"Bat Boy Wonder "
"Tranclowndental Meditation"
"Highwaiian Shirt"
"Hedge Hog"
"Slip Vicious"
"I am the Walrus"
"Pushing the Envelope"
"Dead Beet"
"Albacross Fit"
"Smart Cookie"
"Horse Shoe"
"Koala Tea"
"High Five"
"Worker Bees"
"Eye Scream"
"Meow Thai Fighter"
"Alley Cats"
"Holy Cow"
"Karate Kid"
"Canadian Bacon"
"Flash Card"
"Fishing for Compliments"
"Sweet Tooth"
"Designer Genes"
"Media Centaur"
"Oatmeal Raisin Cookie"
"Cardinal Sin"

"Cyber Bully"
"The Jokes On Ewe"
"The Lion's Chair"
"Dead Lift"
"Burn the Midnight Oil"
"Bread in Captivity"
"Peace of Cake"
"Toucan Play This Game"
"Tuba Toothpaste"
"Witch Punt"
"Multiply Like Rabbits"
"Jingle Bell Rock"
"Big Game Hunter"
"Book Shelf"
"Boot Camp"
"Crazy Like a Fox"
"Illegal Alien"
"Caps Lock"
"Boxing Match"
"Heavy Heart"
"Pizza Party"
"Chili Dog"
"Smart Ass"
"Strawberry Jam"
"Vacuum in Space"
"Navy Seal"
"Spare Ribs"
"Sheep Skate"
"Bad Blood"
"Chill Pill"
"Punch Drunk"
"Two Bee or Not Two Bee"
"Brain Wash"
"Chicken Pot Pie"
"Ants in Pants"
"Brush With Death"
"Bowler Bear"
"Mood Swing"
"Baking Soda"
"Knight Owl"
"Baseball Bat"
"Crab Apple"
"French Fry"
"Bull Frog"
"Super Glue"
"Beer Belly"
"Smart Phone"
"Palm Tree"
"Sleeping Bag"
"Flower Power"
"Bear Market"
"Cookie Dough"
"Interneck Connection"
"Eye Phone"
"Rock E.T."
"Fowl Language"
"Monkey Business"
"Bat Boy Wonder "
"Tranclowndental Meditation"
"Highwaiian Shirt"
"Hedge Hog"
"Slip Vicious"
"I am the Walrus"
"Pushing the Envelope"
"Dead Beet"
"Albacross Fit"
"Smart Cookie"
"Horse Shoe"
"Koala Tea"
"High Five"
"Worker Bees"
"Eye Scream"
"Meow Thai Fighter"
"Alley Cats"
"Karate Kid"
"Canadian Bacon"
"Flash Card"
"Fishing for Compliments"
"Sweet Tooth"
"Designer Genes"
"Media Centaur"
"Oatmeal Raisin Cookie"
"Cardinal Sin"

"Cyber Bully"
"The Jokes On Ewe"
"The Lion's Chair"
"Dead Lift"
"Burn the Midnight Oil"
"Bread in Captivity"
"Peace of Cake"
"Toucan Play This Game"
"Tuba Toothpaste"
"Witch Punt"
"Multiply Like Rabbits"
"Jingle Bell Rock"
"Big Game Hunter"
"Book Shelf"
"Boot Camp"
"Crazy Like a Fox"
"Illegal Alien"
"Caps Lock"
"Boxing Match"
"Heavy Heart"
"Pizza Party"
"Chili Dog"
"Smart Ass"
"Strawberry Jam"
"Vacuum in Space"
"Navy Seal"
"Spare Ribs"
"Sheep Skate"
"Bad Blood"
"Chill Pill"
"Punch Drunk"
"Two Bee or Not Two Bee"
"Brain Wash"
"Chicken Pot Pie"
"Ants in Pants"
"Brush With Death"
"Bowler Bear"
"Mood Swing"
"Knight Owl"
"Baseball Bat"
"Crab Apple"
"French Fry"
"Bull Frog"
"Super Glue"
"Beer Belly"
"Smart Phone"
"Palm Tree"
"Sleeping Bag"
"Flower Power"
"You Are Jawsome!
"Snail Mail"
"Find Your Porpoise"
"We Met on the Web"
"Snail Mail"
"Find Your Porpoise"
"We Met on the Web"
For ORIGINAL line drawing or SIGNED PRINT visit my Shop.
For Prints, t-shirts, phone cases, and stickers visit my Redbubble.
"Guess the Pun!" Over 150 full color illustrated puns, idioms, and portmanteaus! A punny way to work your brain and have a laugh. Answers in the back. Available on Amazon as paperback $25.00 or Kindle $3.99.